New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra
New Moon Solar Eclipse 21 degrees Libra takes place on Saturday, October 14, 2023 at 11:54am MST
Simply put - Eclipses bring change.
There are always themes to these eclipses. This one is a BIG one.
Eclipses are pattern breakers and disruptors.
Eclipse video credit: Borys Zaitsev
What do you have around 21 degrees Libra in your Natal Chart? Or any Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). This will give you insight into what is happening for you during this time.
Eclipse season is when we receive & download new information, new frequencies. During the short time when the light is blocked, it's as if we unplug, when the light returns and we plug back in, the frequencies have changed.
Old frequencies cannot be found and new ones are being integrated.
Have you ever come to a point in your life when you realize, I am not the same anymore, my relationships, or hobbies, or job, or environment, or belief system are no longer sustainable for my peace and happiness?
You are picking up a different frequency. One that is more aligned with your next chapter.
This can be a time of discomfort if we don't know what is happening for us (and oftentimes, even when we do know).
It takes time to integrate the new frequency.
Collectively, this upcoming eclipse on October 14, at 11:54am MST is about connection. How do you connect with others? If you've been paying attention over the years you will have noticed that people are finding it more and more difficult to connect and understand the other persons perspective. This eclipse energy is all about finding that balance and likely experiencing upheaval because of it.
Upheaval teaches some of the greatest lessons: we often break patterns through exposure to extremes.
Eclipses are ruled by the Tower Card in Tarot. This card tends to freak people out a bit when they see it. The Tower Card swoops in to break down any rotting walls we may be keeping around our current situation. In these moments, one identity gets traded for another; perspectives that weren't previously available shine bright. Ever notice the crown at the top of the Tower in the card? Your crown Chakra is being activated by new information. There is nothing to fear, whatever is being activated for you during this eclipse, know that it is in your highest and best good and engage with that mindset.
Confusion is a keyword during eclipse season. We are in the dark about what is happening. There is nothing to be done yet. Sit with your feelings. Sit with your insight and know that more clarity is coming. Eclipse season is not a time for major changes (those will come without. your need to initiate them. Awareness, surrender, self-care, and compassion are all good medicine for eclipse season.
To help with clarity around what is happening for you during this eclipse season, I have created a tarot spread you can do for yourself.
Tarot is a tool. Like all spiritual tools. This is a tool to create boundaries with and ground into sacred space with.
I recommend you take time when you will not be interrupted.
Set your intention, such as 'clarity around the eclipse and how you can engage and integrate the changes in your highest and best good and the good of all those involved. '
Take several deep breaths and call in those that support your highest evolution. I call in my 'guides, guardians, ancestors, angels, and my higher self, all those from the highest divine light that can assist me with clarity and understanding the messages'
Shuffle your cards
Notice your feelings while you shuffle:
Are you fearful?
Are you nervous?
Are you hopeful?
Are you doubtful?
Are you inspired?
These feelings are important to understand. If you feel fearful, ask yourself why. These feelings will play into the messages you receive. You may receive a message that there is no need to be fearful and that could be a lovely message you need to receive.
Remember, the cards are visual messages from your higher self, the part of you that knows, there is nothing to fear here. You are connecting with your divine self and your team. Fear is something you've been given from others, movies, etc.. There is nothing to fear in these cards. They have been given to you as a tool for self awareness and analysis, use them in this manner and you will have nothing to fear. You are in control. You are a divine energetic being and you have been given gifts to help you along your path here.
I like simple tarot spreads. There is no need for a 14 tarot card pull for this, leave that for another time (unless you have a lot of time and want to dive in, and then for sure, go for it!)
I like practical application. I am a Virgo. Give me the practical information so I know how to work with it. Period.
Pull out the Tower card in your deck and place it in the center
Fan out your tarot cards and pull cards for the following questions:
*What am I releasing; what is ending for me now?
*What new frequency am I gaining; what am I welcoming?
*What new perspective must I embrace?
*What tool do I have available to me now that I can use to navigate this change?
*Any insight and advice I can use to make the most aligned choices?
*How do I remain in my integrity throughout this change?
If you are new to tarot, there are many helpful places to read about the meaning of the cards you pull. The tarot is deep and filled with layers of symbols and wisdom. Ask that it meet you where you are in your journey with the Tarot. There is no reason to over complicate it.
Take a picture or draw it in your notebook. Write down what you think each card means before you look up the description and meaning. If you don't know, write that down.
My favorite place for quick answers to the cards is at Use the search option and type in the card you pulled.*
*When searching, instead of typing '7 of pentacles', type 'seven of pentacles' this will get you the most precise description on this site. You can also use the little white book that comes with your cards.